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    Rocket League Certification Tier List - The Complete Guide

    March 27, 2023

    Rocket League Certification Tier List - The Complete Guide

    Certifications in Rocket League are a difficult topic to discuss and it’s something that the majority of Rocket League players don’t understand. In this article, we will be looking at every certification and what they do, ranking the certs from best to worse and seeing how much value certifications add to your items.

    What Are Certifications?

    Certifications are a feature Rocket League added on June 20th, 2016 there are 15 different certifications in total, with each cert tracking a different statistic in online matches. Most items can come certified except paint finishes, Painted uncommon’s and Rocket Pass items that came out after season 3 on April 6th 202.

    How To Get Certified Items?

    Every item that came out of a Crate Or Blueprint has a 25% chance of coming certified. Remember there are 15 different certifications so if you’re looking for a specific certification it goes down to a 1.6% chance of getting the cert you want.

    The best way to get a specific certification is by trading for it. The best trading platform for finding certs is a subreddit called ‘Rocket League Exchange’ this is the place where many collectors looking for rare quirky items reside.

    Other platforms that may prove useful in your search for certified items are RL Garage, RL Trade Post, and OP.Market. OPMarket actually has a filter option where you can search for specific certifications and purchase them at no additional cost.

    What Do Certifications Do In Rocket League?

    We’ve discussed that certifications are an addition to an item that tracks certain statistics within online games. When you achieve a target your certification levels up, and every certification gets the same first 5 levels however, between levels 6-10, you get a unique level customised for that specific certification.

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    For example, the certification ‘Striker’ tracks how many shots on goal you get. If you achieve 50 shots on target with the certified item equipped the certification will go to level 2 and be called ‘Cabable Striker’.

    So now you know what certified items do, let’s take a look at all 15 certifications and see what each one does.

    Every Certification In Rocket League

    Acrobat - This certification when equipped, tracks how many bicycle goals you score in online matches.

    Aviator - This certification when equipped, tracks how many aerial goals you score in online matches.

    Goalkeeper - This certification when equipped, tracks how many saves you make in online matches.

    Guardian - This certification when equipped, tracks how many epic saves you make in online matches.

    Juggler - This certification when equipped, tracks how many juggles you make online matches.

    Paragon - This certification when equipped, tracks how many MVP (Most Valuable Player i.e. highest score) you get after online matches.

    Playmaker - This certification when equipped, tracks how many assists you get in online matches.

    Scorer - This certification when equipped, tracks how many goals you score in online matches.

    Show-off - This certification when equipped, tracks how many backward goals you score in online matches.

    Sniper - This certification when equipped, tracks how many long distant goals you score in online matches.

    Striker - This certification when equipped, tracks how many shots on goal you get in online matches.

    Sweeper - This certification when equipped, tracks how many clearances from defense you do in online matches.

    Tactician - This certification when equipped, tracks how many times you center the ball on offense.

    Turtle - This certification when equipped, tracks how many turtle (when your car is flipped upside down) goals you score.

    Victor - This certification when equipped, tracks how games you win.

    Certification Levels

    Each Certification has a set target of statistics you must meet to move onto the next level. Every cert has a total of 10 levels the first 5 Levels are the same for every cert with the only difference being the target. Levels 6-10 are unique to each certification.

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    Certification Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

    ‘Certified’ ‘Cabable’ ‘Skillful’ ‘Veteran’ ‘Fantastic’

    Striker 0-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500-999



    Acrobat 0-24 25-49 50-99 100-249 250-499










    Paragon 0-9 10-24 25-49 50-124 125- 249


    Which Certifications Add The Most Value?

    There is always a chance that you have a rare hidden certified gem that someone is paying huge money for. Certification values can vary from person to person. For example, someone may be building a playmaker Helios set however, one of the Helios in that cert is impossible to find. All of a sudden that specific certified item now holds a high value.

    Even though these occurrences can happen there is a common rule when it comes to which certifications are the best and add the most value and it goes in this order.

    Tier 1


    Tier 2


    Tier 3


    Tier 4


    Tier 5


    Tier 6



    Tier 7



    Now, remember a certain cert may be worth more to a certain trader than someone else. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, there are not many collectors meaning not many people care about certifications anymore.

    The general rule in trading is only striker and tactician adds value, all the other certs unless a collector wants a specific item then they don’t add any additional value.

    However, the rarer the item the more value a cert would add. For example, the general rule for certifications is striker doubles the item value and tactician increases the base value by 1.5x. But if an item is extremely rare such as a Grey Mainframe where uncert would cost 140,000 Credits a Striker version would cost 500,000-1,000,000 million Credits.

    As you can tell it can get very complicated when deciding how much value a certification adds. The best way to determine a value is to see what other users are selling or have sold that specific cert item for. Doing a price check on Reddit is usually the best thing to do when dealing with rare certified items.


    Hopefully, this article has helped you with everything you need to know about certifications in Rocket League, what certifications are, and how much value they can add to your items. If you found this Blog helpful be sure to check out the rest of our articles on OPMarket to find some of the best trading tips.