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    Venom Rocket League: The Ultimate Hybrid Battle Car

    September 7, 2023

    Venom Rocket League: The Ultimate Hybrid Battle Car

    Rocket League enthusiasts, brace yourselves for the ultimate hybrid machine that took the gaming world by storm back in July 2015: the Venom Rocket League. This sleek and powerful vehicle has captured the hearts of countless gamers, offering an unrivaled combination of agility, speed, and striking design. In this article, we'll dive into the Venom's origins, its unique features, and the thrilling quest to acquire this coveted ride. Whether you're a seasoned Rocket League player or a newcomer to the game, get ready to embrace the Venom and conquer the Rocket League arena!

    The Origins of Venom Rocket League

    The Venom car made its explosive debut on July 7, 2015, alongside the initial release of Rocket League. With a distinct Hitbox Hybrid, this extraordinary vehicle swiftly became a fan favorite. Boasting a perfect balance between Octane and Dominus, the Venom offers players an exceptional combination of control, power, and maneuverability. Its sleek and aggressive design adds an element of intimidation to your gameplay, making it a force to be reckoned with on the field.

    How to Get the Venom Car

    In the pre-Free-to-Play era, acquiring the Venom body required players to complete matches, adding an exciting element of challenge to the game. However, with the game's transition to Free-to-Play, the acquisition process for the Venom has changed. New players are now tasked with completing the New Driver Challenges to earn this coveted machine. These challenges test your skills and provide an opportunity to master the Venom's unique handling characteristics.

    Painted Variants of Venom

    Since August 3, 2017, a wide array of painted variants of the Venom have been made available through the trade-in system. These variants, classified as Import rarity, add a touch of personalization to your Venom and allow you to stand out on the Rocket League pitch. Among the painted variants, the highly sought-after Titanium White Venom reigns supreme. With its pristine white finish, it has become a symbol of status and rarity within the Rocket League community.

    The Market Value of Titanium White Venom

    As the pinnacle of painted Venom variants, the Titanium White Venom carries a significant value in the Rocket League trading market. Collectors and enthusiasts seek this elusive beauty, willing to pay a premium to add it to their inventory. The current market prices for the Titanium White Venom vary across platforms, ranging from approximately 100-150 credits on PC, 100-150 credits on PS4, 150-250 credits on Xbox, and 200-300 credits on Nintendo Switch. These prices reflect the rarity and desirability of this particular variant, making it a truly prized possession.


    The Venom Rocket League has established itself as a formidable contender on the virtual soccer field since its inception in 2015. Its hybrid Hitbox, unmatched agility, and striking design make it an ideal choice for gamers seeking the perfect balance between power and maneuverability. With the transition to Free-to-Play, the Venom can be obtained by completing the New Driver Challenges, adding an exciting twist to the acquisition process. Furthermore, the introduction of painted variants, including the highly coveted Titanium White Venom, has created a thriving trading market within the Rocket League community. So, gear up, embrace the Venom, and unleash your dominance in the Rocket League arena!