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    How to Get Free Credits in Rocket League 2023!

    June 6, 2023

    How to Get Free Credits in Rocket League 2023!

    As a Rocket League enthusiast, you'll understand the value of Credits in the game. Credits are the premium currency, allowing you to purchase Battle-Cars, Decals, Goal Explosions, and more. However, the cost of buying these Credits from the Rocket League store can be steep as we are about to find out.

    The Current Cost of Credits

    Rocket League in-game store to purchase credits

    As it stands, the Rocket League store sells Credits in various bundles, ranging from 500 Credits for $4.99 to 6500 credits for $49.99. While these may sound like generous offerings, it's easy to burn through Credits when you've got your eyes set on high-tier items. This is where our guide comes in. Let's dive into various methods of obtaining free Credits and making the most out of Rocket League.

    Method 1: Trading on OPMarket

    One man's trash is another man's treasure - this rings true on platforms like OPMarket. This is an external trading platform where you can trade in those extra items you've accumulated in the game. Whether it's a Decal you don't fancy or a duplicate car body, you can sell these items instantly to OPMarket! It's easy to use, safe, and a great way to declutter your inventory while fattening your Credit balance.

    Method 2: RL.Supply

    Home page of rl.supply

    RL.Supply is a dedicated site for Rocket League players, providing free Rocket League items in exchange for completing simple tasks. These tasks may include surveys, watching videos, or even playing games. The more tasks you complete, the more rewards you accumulate. It's a handy way to earn some free items and credits while killing time.

    You can also become an affiliate for RL.Supply which means you can get people to sign up through your link and earn a percentage of coins that they make, meaning you get Free Rocket League items doing nothing!

    Method 3: Golden Crates

    Rocket League occasionally releases Golden Crates during seasonal events such as Halloween, Christmas and Chinese New Year. These Golden Crates are unique as they are given out for free after playing a certain number of games, typically around 20.

    Event challenge screen in order to unlock Golden crates

    What's inside these crates, you ask?

    Each Golden Crate is different but it often has items from different Blueprints and Crates all mixed into one free Crate!

    Playing 20 games can take a lot of time so if you want, you can go into solo games and forfeit after playing for 1:30 Minutes which counts as a game meaning you can achieve 20 games significantly quicker.

    Method 4: RLCS Drops on Twitch

    If you're a fan of esports and enjoy watching the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS), you're in for a treat. By linking your Rocket League account with your Twitch account, you stand a chance to receive free in-game drops which can then be used to get Credits, here’s how you set it up:

    Fan rewards website

    - Go to the Rocket League Fan Rewards site: You'll start by visiting the Rocket League Fan Rewards website. You can find the website by searching "Rocket League Fan Rewards" in your web browser or using the URL:https://rewards.rocketleague.com.

    - Click on 'Sign Up Now': Once you're on the site, you'll see a 'Sign Up Now' button. Click on it to begin the process.

    - Log in to your platform account: You'll be prompted to log in to your Rocket League account through the platform you use to play the game (Epic Games, Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, or Switch). Enter your login credentials for the relevant platform.

    - Connect with Twitch: After logging in, you'll see an option to connect with Twitch. Click on the "Connect" button and you'll be taken to a Twitch login page.

    - Authorize Twitch: Log in to your Twitch account. Once you've done that, you'll need to authorize Rocket League to use your account. Click "Authorize" to allow Rocket League to access your Twitch account.

    - Confirmation: After you've authorized Rocket League to use your Twitch account, you should be redirected back to the Rocket League Fan Rewards page. Now, you should see a confirmation that your accounts have been linked.

    - By linking your account, you've automatically opted into Fan Rewards. Remember drops are guaranteed for watching a certain amount of RLCS, so remember to claim your drops so you can start to unlock the next watch time goal. Often you’re eligible for 3 drops per weekend, the first drop is for watching 2 hours, then the other two drops are 4 hours each. So 10 hours of watch time but you can always go AFK!

    Method 5: Rocket Pass Premium

    100 Credits at tier 67 in the Rocket Pass

    The Rocket Pass is a progression system in Rocket League that rewards you with exclusive items as you earn more experience and level up. While the free track offers some goodies, the Premium track offers even more, including credits. Yes, you heard that right. By purchasing Rocket Pass Premium, you can earn back Credits as you progress through the tiers.

    While this requires an initial purchase, you’re guaranteed your initial investment of 1000 Credits back if you’re willing to put in the effort to tier up. Credits are distributed at tiers 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 67, 80, 90,100 and 110, as well as this when you get past tier 70 you get painted tradable Rocket Pass items essentially for free which can be sold.


    There you have it, five unique methods to help you secure more Rocket League Credits without constantly reaching for your wallet. Remember, each of these methods requires active participation in the game or the community, so keep playing and enjoy the perks that come with it.