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    Instantly Buy and Trade Rocket League items.

    The Complete Beginners Rocket League Trading Guide!

    November 23, 2022

    The Complete Beginners Rocket League Trading Guide!

    So you want your dream Rocket League car?

    Well, if that’s the case you have two options

    1. Spend loads of money

    2. Take time to learn how to trade so you get the items for free

    Hopefully, you clicked on this article with the intent of choosing the 2nd option and if you did you’ve come to the right place.

    I’ve been trading in Rocket League for over 6 years I've experienced all the mistakes, but I’ve also grown to become the richest trader on Xbox making over $100,000 profit.

    I don’t say this to brag about what I’ve achieved but to show you the potential of the skills that trading in Rocket League can provide. So now you know I know what I'm talking about unlike the other trading guides on Google, I’ll be going through my beginner tips so you can avoid the mistakes I made when starting out.

    How To Enable Trading?

    So before we learn the basics we need to ensure we have trading enabled. In order to trade you need the following -

    1. Purchased 500 Credits from the Rocket League store (Only applies to players who got Rocket League AFTER Free To Play)

    2. Enabled 2 Factor authentication on your Epic Games account

    3. Over level 30+ (Ideally you want to be over level 100 so you get unlimited trades)

    4. You’ve ticked the box in your Rocket League settings that says “allow player-to-player trading

    Now that we’ve got that done we can get straight to the trading.

    Where To Find Rocket League Trading Prices?

    When buying Rocket League items we need to make sure we aren’t overpaying and also we want to make sure our offer isn’t too low. If our offer is too low people will view it as an insult and not take you seriously!

    RL.Insider Home Page

    So we need to find a rough guide to base rocket league prices on, for this, we are going to use Rl.insider. Rl insider is a fantastic resource that uses data to determine accurate prices for items with high trading volume.

    Notice how I say it only provides accurate prices for items that sell frequently?

    That’s because although rl.insider is great it's not very accurate for items that are harder to sell. Basically rl.insider determines prices based on how many people buy an item for “X” price and how many people sell for “X” price. It basically finds a compromise price between the two factors.

    RL.Insider Price for Lime Ronin GXT

    So let's use a Lime Ronin GXT as an example, the current price on Rl insider is 100-150 credits. If we take a further look on insider we see people selling the Lime Ronin anywhere from 20 credits to 200 credits. However, there are no people buying the ronin. That means rl.insider can only base its prices on the people selling even though there is no demand for the item. In reality, the Ronin should be valued at 30 credits, not 100.

    So how can we find accurate prices?

    We need to learn the market! We can do this by scrolling through all the trading platforms and seeing what people are buying and selling. We can usually predict when an item is about to drop in price when we see more sellers than demand. If there are 100 Sellers and only 10 buyers one of those 100 sellers will be willing to drop their price to try to get a quick sale. This will cause other sellers to match that lower price causing a price decrease.

    One tip when buying an item is to look at what people are offering for that item, usually, when someone buys an item they do it with the intent of making a profit so if you can match their price then it should give you confidence that you’ve got a good deal.

    That leads us to the next question where can we find people buying and selling? Let's now take a look at the best place to trade in Rocket League.

    Where To Find Trades In Rocket League?

    OPMarket: Now this is a site that allows users to instantly buy or sell Rocket League items. You can either exchange your items for pure Credits or other items if you so wish. Credits are the most valuable asset when trading in Rocket League so when starting out I’d recommend selling all your leftover items to OPMarket.

    Rocket League Garage Trade Posts

    Rocket League Garage: This is probably the best place to trade on Rocket League for all platforms. It’s mainly used by PC traders. You have the option to list your trades and search for items. I love this platform because before I buy an item I can search up all the offers on Rl Garage to try to line up a deal or find an accurate price.

    Rl Trade Post: This is a mobile app for IOS and Android, it is more popular for console users due to the easy-to-use design on mobile. It’s essentially the same as Rl Garage, you put up posts you can search for certain items, and you receive messages.

    Rocket League Exchange Reddit

    Reddit: There is one subreddit in particular called Rl exchange it’s mainly used for Xbox traders. It is usually where all the collectors will search for their rare items. I’d recommend staying away from Reddit as a beginner as much of their trading involves certifications which I wouldn't get involved with until you build more experience.

    Discord: In particular I’d recommend Trade central discord server due to it being dedicated to trading. On this server, you can find all the monetary trades and alpha deals. But once again as a beginner I’d recommend staying away from this as it's for more experienced traders.

    Xbox Looking For Group Post: This is for Xbox only but it is the best place to find cheap deals it averages around 2000 users online at all times making it the most active trading platform for Xbox. As a beginner, I’d recommend trading here but please be aware of scammers as it’s not moderated.

    How To Profit In Rocket League?

    So now we know where to find prices and where to trade, we can now look at how to start profiting.

    As beginner traders, we want to buy and sell easy-to-sell items since we won’t have a lot of inventory value we can’t afford to take risks on items that could take days to sell. The longer we hold an item the more potential deals and profits we miss out on. That's why I say having Credits at all times is the most valuable asset as you never know when the deal of the century might come around.

    So how do we find easy-to-sell items?

    There are 3 ways that you can use to find out:

    When loading up Rl.insider they have a section called “trending items” this shows all the most popular items that have been getting bought and sold in the last 24 hours.

    Rocket League Garage Popular Items

    Rocket League Garage also has a similar system on their home page they show the most popular items that have been getting traded on their platform.

    And the final method is to LEARN THE MARKET! Scroll through trading platforms the more you do this the more you’ll start to recognize certain items that are frequently getting bought. This last option in my opinion is the best way to learn.

    But I might as well tell you from my experience the easiest to sell items.

    All Painted Fennecs in particular Titanium White and Default will be the easiest to sell, but all painted Fennecs are relatively easy to sell, I would recommend staying away from Burnt Sienna as it’s the least popular colour in the game.

    All Painted Octanes are really easy to sell except for Burnt Sienna, however, buying Burnt Sienna octane used to be my favourite trading method. Since no one wanted it I could pick it up really cheap and then I’d trade it for an item slightly cheaper but was much easier to sell. Since the Octane was more expensive on the spreadsheet the trader would think they were getting a good deal but in reality, I was getting an item I could sell much quicker in order to get Credits. Credits > Items.

    All Painted Zombas once again are super easy to buy and sell except for Orange and Burnt Sienna I’d recommend not going near them.

    All Unpainted Black Markets have always been easy to buy and sell. The best Black Markets to sell are Interstellar, Dissolver, Dueling Dragons, and Mainframe but the rest are still easy to shift. As a beginner, I’d advise you to stay far away from painted Black Markets since those things are super hard to sell.

    Black And Titanium White Standard are two of the most popular boosts and are always nice and easy to sell.

    There will be many more items you can buy and sell as you gain more experience in the market. Personally, I aim for around 100 credits of profit for every trade. So I usually offer 100 under the Rl insider minimum price and sell for the minimum.

    How To Avoid Getting Scammed

    As you’re a new trader you’ll be an ideal victim for scammers to take advantage of you. Personally, when I got scammed it helped me to learn and be more aware. However, we’d all prefer not to get scammed so if a deal looks too good to be true then it probably is.

    Make sure to double-check all trades you do. If you’re receiving Credits be sure to check they’ve not sneakily taken them out of the trade.

    And most importantly please do NOT click on any links that someone sends you!


    So this is the complete Rocket League trading guide for beginners, if you’ve enjoyed this we have plenty of other blogs that go into even more detail about trading so feel free to check them out!